JakePlusTom, Plus Me!

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Mother F’ing Eye Soap!

You may be asking what ‘eye soap’ is and I’ll tell you… It’s the bane of my relationship with Isabel!  One time!  One time!  Why can’t we focus on the good times?  Huh Isabel…what about the good times???

I take you back to the days just before we moved to New Orleans.  Our house was packed into boxes and we were staying with the Wagners.   She loves it there with her cousins, her aunt and uncle, and two amazing dogs.  Bedtime is approaching so we go up to take a bath and that’s when ‘eye soap’ rears it’s ugly head. 

Our kid-friendly soap is packed away and I used regular soap without really giving it a second thought.  While I was washing her legs, Isabel grabs the soap and then touches her eyes.  It stings and she starts crying.  She rubs her eyes with her soap covered hands and makes it worse.  I rush to wash out her eyes with water and then sweep her up into my arms and try to console her.  She’s soaking wet…and I am too by now.  Finally she calms down…but clearly the pain hasn’t gone away.  For the next few days, anytime she’s sad she said “eye soap”.  At first I laugh. 

Then it keeps going.  Every time we have bathtime…”eye soap” and a big frown.  It breaks my heart.  Randomly in the car when the sun hits her eyes…”eye soap.”  Some dust blows by in the wind…”eye soap”.  Peter penguin gets unwantedly wet…you guessed it…”eye soap”.  It’s now been over a month and I still her it. 

C’mon Isabel.  I said I’m sorry.  Please…no more “eye soap”!  Let's remember the good times...the tickles, the dad jokes, the reading books, the laughter.