Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Isabel meets her brother for the first time…
How would she react? Would she throw something at him? Hit him? Immediately act up and try to get more attention for herself? Ignore him completely?
Turns out…none of those. She ran up and asked to give him a hug. Then she put Peter Penguin in the bed next to him. My heart melted. For those of you familiar with Isabel, this is a huge deal! Peter is her best buddy. Peter comforts her when she’s sad, accepts being thrown when she’s made, and tags along everywhere Isabel goes. (We have video proof of the meeting if you want to see it).
As the days went on, I wasn’t sure if this immediate affection would last. But Isabel proved me wrong time and time again. If Connor cries, Isabel says “oh. Why is Connor sad?” If we say he’s probably hungry, she runs to get a bottle for him. If we say he needs to change his diaper, she runs and gets the diaper box with wipes and brings it to us. If we say he’s just fussy, she asks to give him a hug and a kiss or she pats his head (we caution that it needs to be gentle). In the mornings, the first things she says is ‘wheres Connor’. It’s the best and every time it makes me smile ear to ear.
In a truly touching show of affection, when Connor was (understandably) crying during his Bris, Isabel came out and sang ‘twinkle twinkle’ to him to try to calm him down. I don’t know if we did something right or we just got lucky but…Connor is very very loved! And not just by Dad and Daddy, but by Isabel too.