Happy 1 Month Birthday to Connor
It’s already been a month since Connor was born! Holy smokes. Where does the time go? Connor and I have been enjoying my paternity leave and moreso enjoying the myriad of guests we’ve had in town - Gramma, Padre, Nana, Pappy, Savta, Aunt Jody, and Uncle Taylor. In fact, for the first month of his life, Connor has only had to deal with ‘just having his dads around’ for 4 days.
Luckily for everyone, he’s a fat and happy baby. He loves sleeping and doesn’t yet have the lung capacity that his older sister had at his age.
And, Connor has been proven to lower blood pressure when holding him as part of a scientific study (n = 1)
Here are some of his favorites and milestones so far:
Favorite Book: The Rabbit Listened (when read by Isabel)
Favorite activity: Free Play on his jungle mat
Number of Bow Ties he owns: 4 (Seriously…he’s 1 month old and owns 4 bow ties. eye roll)
Favorite food: Formula
Favorite disguise: Formula goatee and knit hat
Favorite place to take a walk: Audobon park, closely followed by the sculpture garden and botanical gardens in City Park
Best trick (Tie): Smirking and Sleeping while his sister swims in the pool