Happy 3-month Birthday to Connor!
Connor has maintained his chill attitude in his advanced age. Because of that he spends a lot of time “watching” as Isabel hogs most of dad and daddy’s attention. The biggest change is that he started smiling…not just when he poops or farts, but when he sees a person’s face. It’s super cute and I love it!
Some more milestones from the last month and favorites:
First day of school – May 1st. (Also Dad’s first day back to work after paternity leave)
First sick day from school – 5/22 - Ear Infection and Fever. The teachers said he was ‘grabbing at his ear’ despite the fact that he doesn’t really have arm control or understand that his hands can be controlled by his brain.
Last night with Ms. Bern as the night nanny to respond to his every cry and grunt – May 23rd.
Second and Third Plane Ride – To and From Baltimore for Ben & Saryn’s Wedding. As usual at this age, he played second fiddle to Isabel’s flower girl performance.
Favorite food – Prune juice.
Favorite Book – The Tail books
Favorite place to sleep – Daddy’s chest
Favorite Activity – Helping pick up Isabel from school. All of Isabel’s friends like to come over and look at him. And Isabel likes to ‘touch Connor’ because I tell all of the other kids that they can’t touch him with their booger-coated hands.
Least Favorite activity – Getting smooshed by Isabel (in the most loving way possible)
Looking forward to - sleeping through the night (please)