JakePlusTom, Plus Me!

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Let’s All Go To The Beach Beach!

This summer we booked a number of weekends in Orange Beach to get out of the New Orleans heat and away from the stresses of work.  We found a VRBO less than a half mile from the beach in a complex with a pool.  So far. So good. 

The first time we went to the beach, Isabel didn’t want to touch the sand at all or let go of her dads while in the Gulf.  Now, she doesn’t want to touch the dry sand but is perfectly happy playing for an hour in the wet sand right by the water.  This is great, except it makes building sand castles a truly losing effort.  (despite my best efforts to explain the concept of erosion, Isabel has yet to grasp it)  We continue to fight the good fight and try to build sand castles right in the area where a wave will hit every 2 minutes or so.  Sometimes she thinks its hilarious that the castle comes toppling down and sometimes she gets made and throws sand at the water.  Sometimes she helps me dig moats to try to stop the waves and sometimes she stands in them and we pretend her feet disappear as the sand covers them. 

And...now that she’s more comfortable with her swimmies, she is okay “swimming by herself” in the Gulf.  She likes to bob up and down as the waves come and likes when dad or daddy lift her up over a crashing wave.  She especially likes when a wave crashes over dad when he’s distracted and watching her instead of the waves. 

Connor also loves the beach, but it was a learning curve for him as well.  The first time we went, I carried him in his car seat and walked to our spot...accidentally flipping sand onto him with each step.  He was covered in sand, but sleeping so he didn’t complain until I tried to clean him up.  Since then, he’s been great.  He loves napping in his shade tent.  He is pretty much a 60 year old man when he gets on the beach and simply naps and naps.  Occasionally, he’ll wake up and watch his sister play before starting a new nap.  And one time, Uncle Jason and Connor were holding hands on the beach as they both napped (I don’t have a picture so you’ll have to imagine it). 

Tips to the beach also mean seafood restaurants, which Isabel is very happy about.  She eats adult portions of mussels or clams and asks for seconds. 

Jake’s future goal is to get her into fishing so she can be his ‘first mate’ on fishing trips.  She might need to be a bit older, but it’s always good to have goals!