JakePlusTom, Plus Me!

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Lightning Round – College Fight Songs, Tricycles, and Swings

Isabel is really getting brainwashed effectively in terms of which colleges are awesome (or she may be manipulating us, it’s hard to tell sometimes).  She will ask me to “sing your song dada” which means sing Hail to the Victors as she claps along and pumps her fists.  She will ask us to sing ‘fight fight’ which means sing the Colgate fight song.  By the way, I’d bet dollars against donuts that Isabel knows more of the words to the Colgate fight song than most of the actual non-band Colgate graduates. 

Tricycles are a real game changer in terms of pace of getting somewhere and enjoyment of the journey.  Walking with a todder is either slow (because they want to walk by themselves with their short legs and shorter attention spans) or tiring (because you have to carry them).  BUT...With a tricycle, we can both maintain a normal pace and we don’t have to carry Isabel!  Win-Win- win as Michael Scott would say!  The downside is that you have to both hold her hand and carry the tricycle if you cross a road. 

Swings are amazing for babies and toddlers.  Connor’s recent sleep regression has really made us appreciate the baby swing we have in his room (sorry Andy and Fiona, I know I said we would probably drop it off...but we need it again).  Connor often wakes up at 5am and we can put him in the swing and get another 1-2 hours of sleep!  Isabel has become a swing pro.  She uses a big girl swing and pumps her legs all by herself...meaning I just sit in front of her with Connor having a conversation and saying “good job Isabel” occasionally.  A true win for lazy dadding.