A CPK update
After getting the question a few times and bugging Jake for a followup post, i’ll take it into my own hands.
CPK is doing well. He’s gaining weight and back on the growth chart. Over the past 3 weeks he’s moved from ‘Less than 3rd percentile’ (which is the lowest they measure) to the 7th percentile and counting. Our biggest problem now is that he seems to be gaining weight only in his cheeks… (that’s a dad joke, not a medical professional’s opinion).
We’ve also noticed he’s getting stronger. He can sit for a bit by himself before slowly folding forward into a pretzel and he is “supporting” his weight when we stand him up.
Connor thanks everyone for the well wishes. As Savta said, he can officially be moved down a few places on the ‘worry board’ and safely replaced with RBG.