Mardi Gras 2020 – The Two Kid Version
Mardi Gras is a bit different for us these days. Gone are the days of going out until late, sleeping it off, then repeating. Hello are the days of waking up early, pretending to care about throws, and “family gras”. To be honest, I couldn’t be happier with the transition.
The first night we tried to take Isabel to the parades this year, we made it one float before Isabel said “its too loud for my ears” and we went home.
The next night we faired better and made it through a whole parade. Isabel joyfully danced during the bands and dance troupes and got picked up for each float where she was showed with throws. Connor had a smile on his face the entire time – he loves people watching and raising his hand to wave (which looks like he’s asking for beads). Connor is also now old enough to sit on Dad or Daddy’s shoulders, which is much easier to hold (although much worse for catching beads).
On Family Gras Sunday we had to pick between Barkus (a dog parade) and King Arthur. We chose King Arthur and clearly made the right choice. The weather was perfect and although it was during nap time, both kids crushed it. We came home with 5 people each carrying 2 loot bags – a true mound of goodies when we got home. At one point, Isabel declared “I only want to go up for the floats with my friends”. Such a proud moment for Dad. Such an efficient and mature choice by Isabel that we were more than happy to accommodate. Connor’s favorite throw was the squeaky hammer and Isabel’s was her new Trumpet. At one point, we told her that she had to stop playing it because the “bands in the parade didn’t like being up staged”. She bought it and we had peace and quiet (or only had to deal with the parade and crowd noise). Isabel even wrote some thank you notes for her throws in pure stream of consciousness dictation by dad.
During real Mardi Gras weekend, we decided we were only going to do a limited Mardi Gras. We weren’t going to stress out and go to every parade. Some days we just went to a park and had our own family day.
Sunday of Mardi Gras weekend, a parade passes less than a block from our house. So we invited Isabels bff over and some of our adult friends. We grabbed a “king cake” and had a grand old time. Isabel was mostly over catching stuff, which was nice. But, that didn’t stop her from standing on a step ladder and waving at the parades. And it certainly didn’t stop Aunt Jonnie or Aunt Caryn from catching everything they could to give to the kids. I managed to get a sunburn stripe down the middle of my chest because I wore a leopard print jacket with no shirt and thought myself immune to the February sun, but other than that...we crushed it.
Finally, on Mardi Gras day, we broke out the bikes and took an adventure to the parade route more than 4 blocks from our house. We also convinced Isabel to wear a costume and had great matching family costumes. Crazy...I know! It was a HUGE success...literally...Jake and Connor caught a bear (named Arnold) that was 4’ tall and super soft! We had to take him home on a bike, but it was worth it. Isabel has mostly stolen Arnold and is sleeping with him in her bed, but Connor could care less since he has beads to play with.
I’d say Kid-Friendly Mardi Gras was a total success!