As we promised Isabel when she went to bed, the Wagners were here when she woke up. She was quite happy with this development, but unfortunately, she learned Samantha’s real name and no longer calls her ‘Mantha. Oh well. Anyway…this means Isabel is going out into the world on day 4. We are going to have to wear pants like it or not!
I am determined to succeed (or at minimum be prepared with supplies for failure). I pack 4 extra outfits in the backpack, I pack the portable kiddy potty in the back of the car, I put a towel under Isabel in the car seat and we are off. We make it to the Aquarium without an accident in the car (win) and I make her ‘try’ to use the potty in the back of the car (she doesn’t go)…but the aquarium is closed on Mondays (fail). We go back to the car and agree we will go get beignets and make the best of it, but it’s raining and there is a line down the block…so we skip that too. And the Children’s museum is also closed (fail. Fail.).
Whatever…We are going to make the best of it. We head to Whole Foods and get ingredients to bake cupcakes and cook a nice little dinner while hanging out and enjoying each other’s company at home. Isabel hasn’t had an accident yet (win) …but she has turned into a camel and hasn’t peed since dinner time the night before.
Then it happens…we are playing and she says she has to go. We make it to the potty and SUCCESS!! With pants on. We did it!
Then…It happens again…AND AGAIN! We are 3 for 3 so far. We Facetime daddy at work and Isabel joyfully explains that she pooped and peed in the potty and got ‘poop treats’. I can see how proud daddy is and I can hear the laughs of daddy’s coworkers in the background of the call.
But then…Dad stupidly brags about our success when daddy gets home. Oops. Big time jinx. We go 0-3 the remainder of the day including daddy catching a poop in her pants. Wah wah.
C’est la vie.
Tomorrow is a school day so we will see what that has in store. We have low expectations for improvement since school makes her wear pull ups, which feel just like diapers.
Overall, an exhausting weekend with a middling level of success. Who knows what the future holds.
Update: Her first day back at school resulted in zero successful potty trips, but we were 3 for 4 after school and before bed
Update 2: She successfully peed 3 times in the potty at school on her second day back. She is the first one in her class to be (partially) potty trained. Go Izzy!