Isabel at the Movies      

Our Audubon pass comes with free IMAX movies so I decided to take my Friday off and go see a movie with Isabel.  We strategically picked the first showing of the day so there were only the 2 of us plus 5 other people in the theater for ‘Hidden Pacific’.  First she tried to pick the front row, which I vetoed.  Overall she did great, but we did have a running commentary which caused me to laugh a few times throughout the movie.  Here are some gems:

-          I don’t like that crab.  (a different crab is shown)  I Like that crab.  (it starts moving) That crab is going backwards.  Crabs are silly.

-          It’s snowing all over!  Dad!  It’s snowing.   (it was sand in the currents)

-          There’s a daddy bird. He’s big.  And a mommy bird.  And an Isabel bird. 

-          That ray is happy.

-          It’s night time.  We’re not sleeping. 

-          Daddy Shark!  Do do do do do

-          (Leans over an looks at me) Dad...I see your eyes.  Do you see my eyes? 

-          We get to leave because I said we are done.  Let’s go up the steps.  (we made it 36 out of 40 minutes...i’ll consider it a win)
