If you’re looking for something stressful, look no further than the New Orleans School system and the lottery-like admissions system. We think Isabel is pretty dang smart and amazingly verbal with a great vocabulary for a 2.5 year old so we went to get her tested so we could get some pointers on how to continue her current trajectory and keep her challenged in school/at home.

During the testing, Dad had to go to the other room and I got to listen in to the testing but couldn’t see what was happening. Here are a few of my favorite Question & Answer pairs.

Tester: What goes in a cup?

Isabel: COFFEE! (Neither jake nor I drink coffee)

Tester: Who wears a crown?

Isabel: ISABEL!

Tester: Who else wears a crown?

Isabel: Joss! (One of Isabel’s friends)

Tester: Okay. Isabel and Josh. And who else?

Isabel: No, Isabel and Joss.

Tester: What grows in the ground?

Isabel: Mud.

Tester (to dad during a break): I think she knows how to count, but i can’t get her to do it.

Dad (to Isabel): Isabel what do we do before we jump in the pool?

Isabel: ONE! TWO! THREE! (Jumps). ONE! TWO! THREE! (jumps twice) ONE TWO THREE! (Jumps again)

Dad: But sometimes we have to count to a higher number before we jump. What about 20?

Isabel: ONE TWO THREE! (Jumps) FOUR FIVE SIX! (Jumps). 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20 (Jumps again).

Dad: Close enough. Looks like you have lots of energy

Isabel: Let’s run!
