I’m not quite sure if I have the right number of ‘Pres’ in that title or not, but we’ll go with it.

Yesterday, Isabel (and Peter Penguin) started school again at the JCC. She’s in the ‘hummingbird’ class this year and unfortunately that means she leaves a lot of her friends. Her birthday put her in a class higher than most of her past classmates and so she’s going to have to make mostly new friends with the (slightly) older kids. This makes the dad in my worry. She is outgoing, smart, and confident and will be okay…even if it takes a few days for the other kids to warm up to her. Fortunately, she should still get to see all her friends at before and after care.

Proud Dad Moment: Both teachers told Jake that Isabel had the best manners in the class and would be a great example for the other students. (I recommend the Matt Wagner school of manners for all your please and thank you needs)

Here are my goals for this year (completely unvetted by the school or by Jake):

Learn some letters (maybe all of them) at least to recognize them.

Learn what the numbers represent. Be able to count items.

Learn better conflict resolution than crying, hitting, or biting.

Make new friends and keep the old…one is silver and the other gold. (i’d prefer if she kept making friends with kids who’s parents we also like)

Continue expanding her vocabulary and use the words correctly.

Don’t stop wanting to snuggle with dad

Keep being a great big sister to Connor

Don’t stop taking naps…please!

