Isabel is a very good communicator and picks up on what we are saying. Here are a few things that have made me laugh:
Before bed time as I’m trying to leave the room she asked me “What did I ever do to you?” as if I was punishing her
She calls her back pack a “Pack back”
When we pass a Shell gas station: “Dada, you work there… You help people get gas”. (thanks a lot, daddy)
Everytime someone says ‘almonds or almond milk’: “I don’t like almond milk. Daddy drinks almond milk. Dada drinks almond milk AND reg-lee-er milk. I only drink reg-lee-er milk” (Unfortunately in the last week or so she learned how to properly say regular and not reg-lee-er).
She pronounces Yellow Submarine as “Lellow sum-bar-een”
She struggles with the difference between “her” and “she”. So Isabel says things like “Her was very nice to me.” and “Her is holding the door”.
And one of my favorites, she will randomly ask us “Dada, are you happy?” She will also ask this question when we are clearly getting mad at her and force us to say that we are indeed happy but we are just momentarily frustrated.